EntSpace Community

International Business Community

Become part of the new entrepreneurial elite

For the development of the global economy in the face of uncertainty
this is how 9 out of 10 entrepreneurs interpret the current situation in their industry
In a situation of uncertainty, an adaptive strategy comes to the fore, where the planning horizon is extremely limited and the goal is every next step, and decisions are made based on surrounding circumstances rather than assumptionsIn addition, uncertainty affects the construction of mathematical models. Inaccurate, noisy or untimely data greatly complicates the simulation building procedure, which increases the likelihood of error and poor decisions.
A solution is required to safely create and test hypotheses of business development to determine rational strategies
Model the future for your business
with EntSpace Community!

At that time we were a small experimental laboratory, where we investigated the possibility of applying the new technology in different social spheres, government and corporate management.
Over 20 years ago, we began using gaming technology to transform large companies and industries.

We solve
  • Creation of rational and safe solutions for business development
  • Creation of rational and safe solutions for business development
We, together with our entrepreneurial community, have learned to move quickly from the vision of the result to its realization

And implement change with regular support, resources and international experience in entrepreneur development
Simulate the future for your business FAST AND WITHOUT RISKS
The result is:
Through active participation in community events and development programs
  • Company scaling in the home region
  • Innovative management and resource utilization model
  • Re-assembling and launching the business internationally
  • Effective condition of the owner and team
  • Scaling global presence

Let's compare the two approaches to problem solving
I/we by ourselves
Idea - often remains unrealized

Hypothesis - resistance “why it won't work ”

Resistance - first doubts from the author of the hypothesis, then from the environment

Risks - money, resources, people, reputation, belief in the result

Fear of mistakes - each new one increases anxiety

Stress - increasing tension leads to irrationality
100 times think and better not to do it!
With simulations within the EntSpace Community
Idea - even the boldest and most ambitious idea triggers the algorithm

Hypothesis - created quickly and easily and adjusted in the process of the algorithm

Simulating - only takes a few hours to test 1-3 hypotheses

Risks - eliminated, safe simulating environment

Excitement - potential is activated where amazing solutions are created

State - calmness and confidence from the lived experience
Realized in simulation - can do it in real life as well
We now have a whole set of unique tools that have emerged from the integration of entrepreneurial energy and humanitarian technologies
Test your hypotheses in a safe environment, quickly and without risk
Requirements for candidates for residency
  • Openness
    There are many supportive and developmental activities being implemented in the community - get involved! Resident development is our priority
  • Adequacy
    Our technology is not a “Magic Pill”! We invest wholeheartedly in each resident and expect an equal exchange in return
  • Goal for development
    By investing in your development - you improve your tomorrow. We work with company owners
Ready to join the community?
We care about the community atmosphere and each candidate goes through an initial introduction phase - it is important for us to understand the goals, objectives and expectations of the community
Make an appointment for an interview